Sunday, April 30, 2006

ziki-beta, the first open social network

Ziki-Beta, another social network group is up on the internet, with a difference among its predecessors. So i couldnt say that its an another social network, coz its a first of its kind, an open social network, connecting people based on the tags (which is similar to flickr. It facilitates us to search for people based on the tags, which describes themselves. I came to know about it when i am updating techcrunch. Its looking great as its placing all the blog entries, delicious links, flickr photos,etc. Its another AJAX(Asynchronous Javascript XML) BABY, and rss entries for the blogs are just looking like the firefox extension 'AJAX Yahoo Mail',you can download it here, Expanding and shrinking the mail by clicking on + or - sign, a mail preview extension. Its being released in mid april and the strength grows everyday, no of zikis when i registered are, 1290, and you can find my page here. You can connect to the people based on what their interests are and what they are looking for, seems interesting? have a try.

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