Which one would you prefer?
EBuddy.com or
Meebo ?
eBuddy is a web application that enables you to chat with your MSN, AOL and Yahoo buddies without having to install any program or Java applet. All you need is a JavaScript enabled browser on your computer and it works even if you are behind a firewall. Not impressing? There is something special with EBuddy.com, that is it also had mobile version. Just ur mobile shd support xhtml and wap. Thats it. U can login to YM or MSN/ AOL at any time and chat with ur buddies. Its the latest version of e-messenger.net, which was stopped due to funds problem for sometime. Opens windows as pop-ups. Some kind of headache!
Meebo, another AJAX Baby, is giving high competetion to ebuddy.com. But the Meebo.com has the feature to combine all the IM users, YM, MSN, AOL, Gtalk, at a time and partitions the buddies into online and offline. No popups, which is with simple userinterface looks as YM replicate. Had good features like profile views only for the online buddies.
I Dont use nonth either, i prefer to use IM Multi-Protocol Messaging Client (gaim). But when it comes to chose one, i prefer ebuddy.com, because it contains more emotions as in YM, preseves the YM category. Though it fails to include GTalk in the list, i suppose the team may add it soon.