Sunday, April 30, 2006

ziki-beta, the first open social network

Ziki-Beta, another social network group is up on the internet, with a difference among its predecessors. So i couldnt say that its an another social network, coz its a first of its kind, an open social network, connecting people based on the tags (which is similar to flickr. It facilitates us to search for people based on the tags, which describes themselves. I came to know about it when i am updating techcrunch. Its looking great as its placing all the blog entries, delicious links, flickr photos,etc. Its another AJAX(Asynchronous Javascript XML) BABY, and rss entries for the blogs are just looking like the firefox extension 'AJAX Yahoo Mail',you can download it here, Expanding and shrinking the mail by clicking on + or - sign, a mail preview extension. Its being released in mid april and the strength grows everyday, no of zikis when i registered are, 1290, and you can find my page here. You can connect to the people based on what their interests are and what they are looking for, seems interesting? have a try.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Am i losing my confidence

Sometimes i am getting the question, am i losing self confidence? No, I shouldn't. I do start things with a great confidence. And am bold at doing them. But recent happinings with me are throwing me into such illusions. Waking up at 8am, stay gluing to bed till 9.30am, and becoming lazy, putting up weight(ofcourse,not so), and losing determination at things make me to think off. Sudhakar always worries about his lazyness and missing some of the conference dates. That time, i used to say to him, just stopping the worries go to work, you will get finished of your work. But today i really faced such thing in my life. I had put up a deadline to sumbit the paper to doceng2006 conference. But, only coz of my lazyness, i havnt. Even bdc sir warns me many times that i am lagging in my thesis work, but many times i inclined to spend time with friends. I dont say that friends eatup my time, but sometimes, when in urgent work, iam feeling to leave all the friendships for sometime, and finish out the work, come back and relax. May be its looking good to those who are well known about me, but many are thinking about me as i am trying to avoid them.

The same situation happens with me on my placement time, ofcourse, that time i really got thru amdocs with my self-confidence. At that time i used to put up this pic on my desktop and lot of wordsforever quotes as my screensavers. I believe that what ever that we want to do, we need to express it through some medium, not only oral, it can be thru images. The picture really reflects inner feeling of ones, when they are really focused towards doing different things. Now its time for me to get up the same level of confidence and must complete my work within the deadlines. Today i collected a list of conferences to which i wanted to send my paper, and their deadlines are in the range of may-july. I will upload the list of conferences that i compiled with their deadlines in my next post.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Measure the size of these USB drives with naked eye

Another Interesting and innovative design Project on the web. The Author claims that a patent is pending on this idea. The idea is quite cool, and will be a right apt to those who wont believe things until they watch it with their naked eye. The idea is to show about the size of the usb device using the flashbags. Its a mix of Digital Technology with Analog, isn't it? They are named as "USB Flashdrives with micro pump". The size of these devices change on the amount of the data its holding. When the flashbag is about to blow up, an error message will appear on the desktop, saying about no sapce available. THis design is a creative thought of a Russian, dima komissarov, the falshdrives are located here.

Love or Hate

Got a funny pic while surfing.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Webaroo search unplugged

After many reviews in techcrunh, i tried to have the fun with webaroo offline searching. Its quite cool, but its too slow on my pc, may be coz of proxy limitations. Whatever it be, the webaroo, a startup in IITB, came with an output which is also related to the searching. But its offline search, used to search the websites/ news through mobile devices when we are offline. Their thought is good, but we may have to think about it, that how the company will withstand in this competetive world with this kind of features, which are limited to a small portion of the user group.
For details on webaroo, search unplugged, you can visit and you can download the beta version there.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Me in my friends words


(known to self and others)

calm, clever, confident, helpful, sensible

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

adaptable, bold, caring, cheerful, complex, dignified, friendly, independent, intelligent, introverted, knowledgeable, modest, observant, organised, patient, quiet, relaxed, shy, spontaneous, tense, trustworthy, warm, wise


(known only to self)



(known to nobody)

able, accepting, brave, dependable, energetic, extroverted, giving, happy, idealistic, ingenious, kind, logical, loving, mature, nervous, powerful, proud, reflective, religious, searching, self-assertive, self-conscious, sentimental, silly, sympathetic, witty

All Percentages

able (0%) accepting (0%) adaptable (27%) bold (9%) brave (0%) calm (27%) caring (18%) cheerful (9%) clever (9%) complex (18%) confident (36%) dependable (0%) dignified (27%) energetic (0%) extroverted (0%) friendly (18%) giving (0%) happy (0%) helpful (27%) idealistic (0%) independent (36%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (27%) introverted (9%) kind (0%) knowledgeable (18%) logical (0%) loving (0%) mature (0%) modest (9%) nervous (0%) observant (9%) organised (9%) patient (27%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (45%) reflective (0%) relaxed (9%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (18%) sentimental (0%) shy (45%) silly (0%) spontaneous (9%) sympathetic (0%) tense (9%) trustworthy (27%) warm (9%) wise (18%) witty (0%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 18.11.2006, using data from 11 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view umamaheswar's full data.